I’m interested in having a session on new forms of peer review and how this may fit in to the changing modes of tenure. Sarah Werner (@wynkenhimself)’s experience with Shakespeare Quarterly is instructive, as well as Kathleen Fitzgerald’s work.
Should scholars change peer review to something that takes place post-publication rather than pre-publication? And how does this change our review processes, and service work?
About adeline.koh
Adeline Koh is an assistant professor of literature at Richard Stockton College. She teaches courses on postcolonial literature and theory, twentieth century British literature, literary theory and feminist theory. She has published an edited volume of essays on the international Third Cinema movement , and articles on Joseph Conrad, Frantz Fanon, race, colonialism and education. She is the director of the Stockton Postcolonial Studies Project. You can find out more about her at her website: http://www.adelinekoh.org/