October 30, 2011
Baltimore, MD
Proceedings of THATCamp
Mike Furlough
- Twitter: @surlyF
I work at Penn State University Libraries, where officially I'm the Associate Dean for Research and Scholarly Communications. At Penn State I oversee Digitization & Preservation, Special Collections, Scholarly Communications Services, and a developing set of Digital Curation Services. I've worked very closely with Penn State Press over the past five years to explore how the Libraries and the Press can develop cooperative publishing services. This is interesting work, but challenging to execute in practice.
Before I worked at Penn State I spent a very long time at the University of Virginia. I was first a graduate student in English Literature, then I took a hiatus and started working at the Library. That hiatus never ended, and I eventually ended up developing geospatial data services for students and faculty, and overseeing the integration of these with digitization services and electronic text encoding into a brew that became the Scholars Lab.
Unofficially, I am surlyF.